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Chives – Common


A BULB that grows to 30cm, preferring a moist but well-drained soil and full sun or semi shade. Tolerates heavy clay. Chives have hollow stems (or scapes) up to 50cm and tubular leaves that are just slightly shorter than the scapes. The flowers are pale purple, and produced in a dense inflorescence.
Leaves with their mild onion flavour is used in cooking, either fresh, or cooked, or dried. Long history of nutritive healing.

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Leaves (and small bulbs) are an excellent addition to salads, or used in sandwhiches, soups, soft cheeses and creams. Also used to flavour vinegars and oils. Flowers are edible and can be used as a garnish in salads, or wherever you’d use the leaves. The whole plant is beneficial as a medicinal plant, especially for improving appetite and soothing digestion. It is grown as an insect repellent and fungicide.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Allium schoenoprassum)