My world may seem to be a great big mess at the moment – my herb, flower and vegetable gardens…
Thoughts on saving your herb and plant seeds

Seed Saving – Basil
Ah. End of summer. Time to harvest the basil… and the basil seeds! To many people basil is THE…

Seed Saving – Umbelliferous plants (think Parsley, Fennel & Dill)
A great many of my umbelliferous plants are going to flower now and seed now, making it a perfect time to…

Seed Saving – Lettuce Seeds
Many people see the tall upright stalks of bolting lettuce as unattractive and unruly in a garden, and with the…

Seed Saving – Tomato Seeds
Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes! It is probably the one must-grow plant for almost every vegetable gardener. And growing tomatoes is tremendously rewarding…

Seed Saving – Sunflower Seeds
Quintessential to a perfect vegetable and herb garden (I think!) are the beautiful large bright yellow heads of sunflowers! …