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Marigold – Starfire


A flowering ANNUAL growing to 30cm. Pinnate green leaves and masses of small bright blooms in golden, orange, yellow, and white colors, often with maroon highlights.
It prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position, and is tolerant of heavy clay soil.
Commonly grown as a companion plant in the vegetable garden, or a bright and cheery flower in the ornamental garden, marigolds are edible and some have medicinal qualities too.

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Flowers can be used fresh, or dried they are used as saffron to colour foods yellow.
The whole herb is digestive and sedative and used for indigestion, colic, and constipation. Externally it can be used to treat sore eyes.
It is a dye plant. Secretions from the roots are effective against nematodes in the soil, and the whole plant contains substances that are toxic to cockroaches. Growing plants repel whitefly.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Tagetes tenuifolia)