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Mint – Peppermint


A hardy PERENNIAL growing to 50cm with red-purple stems and dark green leaves that have reddish veins coarsely toothed margins.
Prefers moist soil in a full sun or semi-shaded position, and can grow in very clay soils.
With a mild peppermint flavour, the leaves are eaten raw or cooked and it is the most commonly used medicinal mint.

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Leaves can be eaten fresh in salads, or cooked in foods. They are processed into preserves, sweets, ice creams and a herb tea is made from either fresh or dried leaves.
Medicinally peppermint is commonly used by doctors and herbalists alike, and can be prescribed for treating fevers, headaches, digestive disorders (especially flatulence) and various minor ailments. Externally a lotion is applied to the skin to relieve pain and reduce sensitivity.
Peppermint leaves are used as an ingredient of pot-pourri, and can be used to repels insects, rats and mice.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Mentha x piperita)