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A DECIDUOUS shrub growing to 2m. Prefers moist, well-drained soil in full sun or semi-shade. Fruit, root and stem are edible while the
leaves and roots have medicinal actions.

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Raspberry fruit is delicious when eaten raw and can also be used in pies, preserves, etc. The root and young shoots are edible while a pleasing herb tea is made from the dried leaves.

The leaves and roots are anti-inflammatory, astringent, decongestant, ophthalmic, oxytocic and stimulant. A tea from the dried leaves can be used as a tonic
for pregnant women to strenghten the uterus and aid in childbirth. It is also useful as a gargle to treat tonsillitis and mouth inflammation and externally for poultices to treat minor wounds and burns. A purple to dull blue dye is obtained from the fruit.
A cosmetic face mask is made from the fruit to sooth reddened skin.