Thank you for your interest in herb plants from MeadowSweet Herbs & Flowers. I've closed plant and seed order processing for 2024. Online orders for plants and seeds will re-open on Monday 6 January for shipping from the next Tuesday, 14 January.
If you are interested in my Mini Grow & Use Guides, please email me for processing at during the shop's vacation dates.
The gates sales table plant stand is always open and up and running, so feel free to pop past if you are in the Rangiora/Waikuku area to see a selection of the plants (not all plants in my inventory is available outside - if you want to come past for something specific, text me and we can see what we can work out: 0225251177).
~~*\//\//*~~~Happy Festivities! ~~~*\//\//*~~
In Stock
Sorrel – Garden
Sorrel is a PERENNIAL plant growing to 60cm with deep roots, juicy stems and edible, arrow-shaped leaves that taste sour.
Prefers moist soil in a semi-shade to full sun position. Can tolerate acidic soil.
All parts of the plant are edible. It is a good household and dye plant and has medicinal use.
With a delicious lemon-like flavour, the leaves can be eaten fresh and raw in salads, or cooked in soups.
The leaves should be used sparingly in the diet. Flowers are also edible cooked or used as a garnish, and the root can be cooked.
Juice of leaves can be used as a curdling agent for milk.
High in vitamins, the leaves are useful to treat scurvy, and makes a cooling drink for fevers.
Leaf juice, mixed with fumitory, has been historically used for a cure for ringworm and itchy skin.
Roots and leaves provide dye.
Infusion is used for bamboo and wicker polish and for silver. Juice is used as a stain remover.