Showing 1–12 of 210 results

  • Achillea – Terracotta Yarrow


    Yarrow is a PERENNIAL growing to 60cm. It has very feathery, frilly, hairy, aromatic leaves and flat clusters of flowers at the top of the stem.
    Prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. Full sun or semi-shade. It can grow in very alkaline soil and can tolerate drought and maritime exposure.
    Leaves are used raw or cooked and has many medicinal uses.

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  • Ajuga – Pink Spires


    Ths Ajuga is a low growing EVERGREEN PERENNIAL with light to deep green leaves that make a dense spreading ground cover and in spring sends up 15cm flower stalks bearing many pink flowers that are very attractive to bees and butterflies. It grows well in full shade, semi-shade or full sun and can tolerate some drought.

    Leaves and young shoots are edible raw and it has some history as a wound herb, but is rarely used today.

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  • Ajuga – Purple


    Ajuga is a low growing EVERGREEN PERENNIAL with dark green to purple leaves that make a dense spreading ground cover and in spring sends up 15cm flower stalks bearing many purple flowers that are very attractive to bees and butterflies. It grows well in full shade, semi-shade or full sun and can tolerate some drought.

    Leaves and young shoots are edible raw and it has some history as a wound herb, but is rarely used today.

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  • Ajuga variegated

    Ajuga – Variegated


    This Ajuga is a low growing EVERGREEN PERENNIAL with green and white variegated leaves that make a dense spreading ground cover and in spring sends up 15cm flower stalks bearing many purple flowers that are very attractive to bees and butterflies. It grows well in full shade, semi-shade or full sun and can tolerate some drought.
    Leaves and young shoots are edible raw and it has some history as a wound herb, but is rarely used today.

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  • Alexanders


    Alexanders is a stout BIENNIAL flowering plant growing to 1.2m tall. It has a strong solid stem that becomes hollow and grooved with age. The bright green leaves are bluntly toothed, and ternately divided. Umbels of yellow-green flowers are followed by black seeds. It prefers moist soil in a full sun or semi-shade position. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    The taste has been described as somewhat intermediate between parsley and celery. All plant parts are edible, and it has been used historically as a medicine.

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  • Aloe vera


    Aloe vera is an evergreen PERENNIAL succulent with serrated stemless fleshy leaves containing a clear gel. Sometimes the leaves have white markings. The flower spikes are orange or yellow and generally borne in autumn to winter.

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  • Alyssum – sweet


    Alyssum is a low growing ANNUAL reaching 20cm in height. The much branched stem has small, broad oval to lanceolate sessile leaves and dense clusters of small flowers. Noted for their sweet scent like honey, they come in white, pink, salmon, rose-red, violet and lilac and are known to attract insects such as bees. The plant does well in almost any well-drained soil in a full sun position.

    Young leaves, stems and flowers can be added to salads or as an edible garnish. Has some medicinal use, especially in Spain.

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  • Placeholder

    Angelica – Dong Quai


    A BIENNIAL plant in the Apiaceae family. Cultivated for its use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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    Angelica – Holy Ghost


    A BIENNIAL plant in the Apiaceae family. Cultivated for its sweetly scented edible stems and roots.

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  • Aquilegia – Various colours


    Tall growing and higly decorate. Can grow in shade or semi-shade.

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  • Arnica chamisso



    Spreading perennial with bright yellow daisy like flowers used as a medicine.

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  • Artichoke – Green Globe


    Artichoke is a PERENNIAL vegetable growing to 1.5m. The plant is quite big and statuesque, with long, arching, deeply lobed, silvery, glaucous-green leaves. When the flower buds (the vegetable) are allowed to open into flowers, they are very attractive to bees and bumblebees. The plant prefers well drained soil in most soils (tolerant of saline soils) in a sunny position. The flower buds are known as a gourmet vegetable and the whole plant has medicinal applications. Leaves yield a dark grey dye.

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