Learn how to grow, harvest, and prepare your herbs for good nutrition and home herbal remedies.
Spaces limited to 8 people per workshop so I can keep it personable, but I can run multiple of the same workshops if there is enough interest.
Every workshop will include a garden tour that focuses on the herbs pertinent to the workshop, lots of information sharing, practical do-it-yourself preparations, take home products and notes, and refreshments.
Seed kits and Herb plant kits will also be available from the nursery.
Herbal Teas (including all herb extractions with water as menstruum e.g. sun teas, decoctions, and herbal broths)
Herbal Oils and Vinegars + Herbal Honeys and Syrups (incl. if time allows herbal gummies and herbal lozenges)
Herbal Oxymels + hands-on Fire Cider Making
Herbal Tinctures and Glycerites (also will include Herbal powders and capsules)
Herbal Balms & Salves (incl. lots of other topical Herbal Preparations)
Herbal Baths (incl. bath salts / bath bombs / shower scrubs / soaks / steams)
Herbal Ferments
Minette from MeadowSweet Herbs would be delighted to speak to your gardening club or group of herb enthusiasts on a variety of herb use, and natural gardening topics. Please contact me for available dates and pricing.
Talks normally range from 30 minutes to well over an hour, depending on topic and audience engagement, and can include an overhead presentation, live plant and dried plant samples, information booklets, and seeds.
Distance is no longer a consideration – I do talks and presentations via Skype too! If your group falls outside of the Christchurch geographical region, contact me to set up an online talk/presentation. This means I can also speak to herb and gardening enthusiasts across the globe – the only requirement that your main language is English (or Afrikaans), and that you have internet, and a conference tool such as Skype with a projector or big screen.
Most requested topics include:
>> Edible Flowers! Enchantingly beautiful, pleasantly fragrant, and surprisingly flavoursome.
>> The Kitchen Apothecary. Medicinal uses of common culinary herbs.
>> Herb Gardening. General introductory talk on what herbs are and how to grow and use them.
>> Hot-As! All about growing and using Chillies and Capsicums.
>> Kids in the Garden. How to engage children with their own herb and edible gardens.
>> Companion planting principles
>> Composting – from hot to cold, worm bins and Bokashi
>> Herbal Preparations. What are infusions, decoctions, macerations, compresses etc. And how to make them.
But, we can, with enough time to prepare, speak about almost any herb topic that you may find interesting!
Minette has had speaking engagements at:
>> Auckland Herb Society North Shore Herb Group
>> Auckland Herb Society Epsom Herb Group
>> Auckland Herb Society Hobsonville Group
>> Four Seasons Gardening Club
>> Green Bay Gardening Club
>> NorWest Gardening Club
>> Herald Island Gardening Club
>> St Peter’s Anglican Church Woman’s Group
>> Te Atatu Flower Circle
>> Orewa Ladies’ Gardening Club
>> Nourish Food and Garden Group, Darfield
..and many more…