Greenhouse & Garden
Seed Saving – Basil edit
March 22, 2016
Ah. End of summer. Time to harvest the basil… and the basil seeds! To many people basil is THE one herb to have in the kitchen garden. And it is also the one plant most often requested from the nursery at the start of Spring. With the variety of basils, their tasty leaves, pretty growing habits, and […]
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Greenhouse & Garden
Gardening in February edit
February 17, 2016
Notoriously the hottest summer month, and also one of the driest months, February can be challenging in the garden. Besides the weather, it is also a time of plants maturing, with many annual and biennial herbs going to flower and seed. This bolting may make the garden look scraggly and unkempt, but to the avid seed saver, […]
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Greenhouse & Garden
Seed Saving – Umbelliferous plants (think Parsley, Fennel & Dill) edit
February 17, 2016
A great many of my umbelliferous plants are going to flower now and seed now, making it a perfect time to save seeds for new plantings. You probably have some umbelliferae in your garden too! It is a big word, for a big family, but it basically means fragrant plants that have an upside down umbrella-like flower. […]