Thank you for your interest in herb plants from MeadowSweet Herbs & Flowers. I've closed plant and seed order processing for 2024. Online orders for plants and seeds will re-open on Monday 6 January for shipping from the next Tuesday, 14 January.

If you are interested in my Mini Grow & Use Guides, please email me for processing at during the shop's vacation dates.

The gates sales table plant stand is always open and up and running, so feel free to pop past if you are in the Rangiora/Waikuku area to see a selection of the plants (not all plants in my inventory is available outside - if you want to come past for something specific, text me and we can see what we can work out: 0225251177).

~~*\//\//*~~~Happy Festivities! ~~~*\//\//*~~
In Stock

Celery : seeds


I grew both the heritage “Nutty” celery that has a dense strong green stem and nutty flavour and a hollow, red stemmed variety called “Peppermint Stick”, these seeds are the result of self-seeded plants from those, so it could be either or, or a cross of the two. The self seeded plants that keep coming up in my garden are delicious and strong growing.

SKU: S387 Category: Tag:


Celery is a lovely fresh stem vegetable. Leaves can also be used, as can the seeds. Used fresh or cooked in stews and soups.

Additional information



Latin Name

(Apium graveolens</i)