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Grape – Albany Surprise


Grapes are DECIDUOUS CLIMBERS growing to 15m. Preferring a moist and well-drained soil in semi-shade or full sun.
An important food and commercial crop, the flowers, fruit, tendrils, sap and leaves are edible.

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Fruit can be eaten fresh, dried (raisins) or preserved (jams and jellies) while juice can be extracted as a beverage or used as a sweetener. Grapes are widely used in wine making.
Leaves are edible and when cooked impart a pleasing flavour. Even young tendrils can be eaten raw or cooked as well as the flower clusters. Plant sap can be tapped and used.
Albany surprise yields a heavy crop of medium-sized bunches of large, juicy blackish berries with a sweet taste and jelly consistency. A lovely table grape, it can be used for wine production.
Grapes (the fruit) are nourishing and can be used during fasting for detoxification, and for supporting the circulatory system. Leaves are anti-inflammatory and astringent. Sap of young branches is diuretic and can help remedy skin diseases. Tendrils are astringent.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Vitis vinifera 'Albany surprise')