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Rosemary – white flowering


Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb cherished for culinary use, herbal remedies, and natural pest-repellent properties. This is a white flowering variety.

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Rosemary, scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis, is a fragrant evergreen herb renowned for its needle-like leaves. This variety has delicate white flowers. This perennial plant features an upright growth habit and thrives in sunny, well-drained locations, commonly found in Mediterranean regions. Rosemary is treasured for its culinary uses, imparting a distinct piney flavor to dishes ranging from roasted meats to savory bread and vegetable dishes. Beyond its culinary applications, Rosemary offers various health benefits and is used in herbal medicine to improve digestion, boost circulation, and reduce inflammation. Its aromatic foliage also serves as a natural pest repellent in gardens, contributing to sustainable gardening practices and enhancing the overall ecosystem biodiversity. Flowers are very attractive to bees and bumblebees.