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Sage – Common


An evergreen PERENNIAL shrub growing to 60cm Prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position, and can tolerate drought.
Leaves are a common culinary herb and it has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant.


Leaves are eaten fresh, or dried, raw or cooked. The strongly aromatic leaves are added to savoury dishes. The flowers can also be sprinkled on salads to add colour and fragrance. Makes an aromatic herb tea.
Sage has a long history as an effective and important medicinal herb. Good for digestive complaints, and being antiseptic, it is useful as a gargle. Taken internally for the treatment of excessive lactation, night sweats, excessive salivation, profuse perspiration, anxiety, depression, female sterility and menopausal problems. It can also be used externally for sores, bites, stings, burns. Use only for short periods, in small doses as a medicine, under supervision from a healthcare provider.

Leaves make excellent tooth cleaner, and is a good rinse for dark hair. As a companion plant it is especially useful when grown amongst cabbages and carrots to repel insects.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Salvia officinalis)