Dianthus Deep Red, also known as Carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) is a perennial in the Caryophyllaceae family. This variety boasts deep red, fragrant flowers with serrated petals, known for their spicy aroma and striking appearance. Dianthus Deep Red is popular for floral arrangements and garnishes due to its rich color and long-lasting blooms. It thrives in well-drained, fertile soil and enjoys full sunlight, making it a delightful addition to gardens, borders, and rockeries for a splash of vibrant color throughout the seasons.
Dianthus Feathery Mix, also known as Feathery Pink (Dianthus plumarius) is a perennial in the Caryophyllaceae family. This charming mix includes dianthus varieties with delicate, feathery petals in a range of hues, such as pink, white, and lavender, creating a whimsical and elegant display. Dianthus Feathery Mix is cherished for its unique texture and fragrant blooms, perfect for borders, rock gardens, and containers. It thrives in well-drained soil and benefits from full sunlight, adding a touch of beauty and grace to any garden landscape.
A PERENNIAL flowering plant growing to 30cm, preferring well-drained soil in full sun position, these dianthus have deeply cut petals lending the flowers a soft and feathery appearance. They are pretty and unusual-looking in eye-catching pink and whites with a strong, sweet fragrance. Edible flowers.
An ANNUAL, or short-lived PERENNIAL, growing to 20cm. The small plant has a creeping and ramping habit with oval to heart-shaped leaves and distinct 5-petalled (2 upwards, 2 to the sides and 1 large to the bottom) purple, blue, yellow or white (or a combination of) flowers.
Noted for attracting wildlife, it prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position, but tolerates semi-shade well.
Flowers and leaves are edible and it has a long history as a medicinal plant.
A flowering PERENNIAL, often grown as a BIENNIAL, in the mallow family, that can grow to over 2.4m in height. The plants have an erect, unbranched habit with large lobed or toothed leaf blades and very tall flower spikes bearing many attractive single flowers in white to off-white colour.
The plant does well in almost any well-drained soil in a full sun position, and can grow in semi-shade. Tall flower spikes may need staking.
The flowers, leaves, root and stem are edible and it has a long history of medicinal use.
A flowering PERENNIAL, often grown as a BIENNIAL, in the mallow family, that can grow to over 2.4m in height. The plants have an erect, unbranched habit with large lobed or toothed leaf blades and very tall flower spikes bearing many attractive single flowers in various colours.
The plant does well in almost any well-drained soil in a full sun position, and can grow in semi-shade. Tall flower spikes may need staking.
The flowers, leaves, root and stem are edible and it has a long history of medicinal use.
A flowering PERENNIAL, often grown as a BIENNIAL, in the mallow family, that can grow to over 2.4m in height. The plants have an erect, unbranched habit with large lobed or toothed leaf blades and very tall flower spikes bearing many attractive single flowers in white to off-white colour.
The plant does well in almost any well-drained soil in a full sun position, and can grow in semi-shade. Tall flower spikes may need staking.
The flowers, leaves, root and stem are edible and it has a long history of medicinal use.
A flowering ANNUAL growing to 30cm. Pinnate green leaves and masses of small bright blooms in golden, orange, yellow, and white colors, often with maroon highlights.
It prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position, and is tolerant of heavy clay soil.
Commonly grown as a companion plant in the vegetable garden, or a bright and cheery flower in the ornamental garden, marigolds are edible and some have medicinal qualities too.
Mexican Tarragon is a PERENNIAL growing to 80cm with an upright to bushy habit with many unbranching stems. Leaves are linear, shiny green and anise-tarragon scented.
Clusters of small golden yellow flower heads on the ends of the stems appear in late summer.
Prefers moist, well-drained soil in full sun. Can grow in heavy clay soil.
A PERENNIAL growing to 1.2 m with broad, lobed, soft, and velvety leaves and pale pink flowers.
Prefers full sun position and can grow in saline soils. The whole plant abound in mild mucalige. Leaves, oil and root are edible.