Perennial vegetable plants

Showing 1–12 of 18 results

  • Alexanders


    Alexanders is a stout BIENNIAL flowering plant growing to 1.2m tall. It has a strong solid stem that becomes hollow and grooved with age. The bright green leaves are bluntly toothed, and ternately divided. Umbels of yellow-green flowers are followed by black seeds. It prefers moist soil in a full sun or semi-shade position. Attractive to bees and butterflies.

    The taste has been described as somewhat intermediate between parsley and celery. All plant parts are edible, and it has been used historically as a medicine.

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  • Artichoke – Green Globe


    Artichoke is a PERENNIAL vegetable growing to 1.5m. The plant is quite big and statuesque, with long, arching, deeply lobed, silvery, glaucous-green leaves. When the flower buds (the vegetable) are allowed to open into flowers, they are very attractive to bees and bumblebees. The plant prefers well drained soil in most soils (tolerant of saline soils) in a sunny position. The flower buds are known as a gourmet vegetable and the whole plant has medicinal applications. Leaves yield a dark grey dye.

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    Artichoke – Imperial Star


    Perennial vegetable. A productive and high quality green glove artichoke that produces 6-8 mature buds averaging 10cm on a bushy plant in the first season from seed.

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  • Artichoke – Purple de Jesi


    Artichoke is a PERENNIAL vegetable growing to 1.5m. The plant is quite big and statuesque, with long, arching, deeply lobed, silvery, glaucous-green leaves. When the flower buds (the vegetable) are allowed to open into flowers, they are very attractive to bees and bumblebees. The plant prefers well drained soil in most soils (tolerant of saline soils) in a sunny position. The flower buds are known as a gourmet vegetable and the whole plant has medicinal applications. Leaves yield a dark grey dye.

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    Artichoke – Purple of Romagna


    Perennial vegetable. A beautiful French heirloom artichoke variety with finer flavoured artichokes.

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    Artichoke – Violet de Provence


    Perennial vegetable. A beautiful French heirloom artichoke variety with finer flavoured artichokes.

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  • Cardoon


    A large PERENNIAL growing to 2m with at least a 1m spread. Cardoon is a thistle-like plant in the sunflower family and grows to be a stout plant with large, deeply lobed and heavily spined green to grey-green leaves. Flowers are violet-purple, produced in a large, globose, massively spined flowerhead.
    It can grow in heavy clay and nutritionally poor soil although it prefers well-drained soil in full sun. Somewhat drought tolerant it can grow in saline soil.
    Flowers, leaves, roots and stems are eaten. Flower buds are eaten as a globe artichoke substitute. Some important medicinal use, and can be used as a dye plant.

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  • Crosnes
  • Ulluco, Earth Gems

    Earth Gem – Ulluco


    Ulluco, also known as Earth Gems (Ullucus tuberosus) is a perennial in the Basellaceae family. This South American tuber showcases vibrant, jewel-toned tubers in hues of red, pink, and yellow, with heart-shaped leaves and small, colorful flowers. Ulluco is primarily grown for its flavorful and nutritious tubers, often used in traditional dishes. It thrives in well-drained, fertile soil with a preference for cool, moist conditions.

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  • Horseradish


    A PERENNIAL of the mustard family growing to 70cm. Prefers a moist and well-drained soil and can grow in very alkaline soils. Full sun or semi-shade.
    The young leaves are distinctly different to older leaves, being asymettric spiky before becoming flat and broad.
    The plant is cultivated mostly for its large, white, tapered root which is a vegetable and spice. It has medicinal use.

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  • Lovage leaves ready to harvest



    Garden Lovage is a PERENNIAL growing to 1.8m. The plant is erect and tall with a basal rosette pinnately divided leaves, and flowers produced at umbels at the top of leafy stems.
    Lovage smells somewhat similar to celery.
    Prefers moist soil in full sun or semi-shade.
    All parts of the plant is edible and it has domestic historical medicine use.

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  • Mashua – Tuberous Nasturtium


    Tuber forming Nastutrium that is eaten as a root vegetable. Beatuiful plant, but give it space and know where you want it as it really loves taking over a patch very quickly!

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