An ANNUAL growing to 60cm with several stems from the base lined with pairs of lance-shaped leaves that emit a lemony odour when crushed. The purple flowers are highly attractive to butterflies and bees. Prefers moist soil in a full sun or semi-shaded position.
Leaves are edible and used as a condiment and for brewing a herbal tea.
An ANNUAL flowering plant growing to 60cm , well noted for bringing bees to the garden. It is very bristly or hairy all over the stems and the leaves. Large leaves are alternate and simple. Large floral displays with multiple flowers blooming simultaneously. Somewhat tolerant of drought, it can grow in semi shade or full sun.
Leaves have a cucumber flavour and the pretty star-shaped blue flowers are also edible. Medicinally it has a lot of domestic uses.
Calendula is a popular flowering ANNUAL that grows to 60cm with oblong-lanceolate leaves and single flowerheads of bright orange or yellow. Flowers are pollinated by bees and it is a well-known companion plant. Calendula prefers any well drained soil but can grow in very poor soils and can tolerate very acidic or very alkaline soils. It can grow in semi shade but grows best in full sun. The plant can flower nearly year-round in favourable conditions, and the flower petals are edible and medicinal.
I grew both the heritage “Nutty” celery that has a dense strong green stem and nutty flavour and a hollow, red stemmed variety called “Peppermint Stick”, these seeds are the result of self-seeded plants from those, so it could be either or, or a cross of the two. The self seeded plants that keep coming up in my garden are delicious and strong growing.
A BULB that grows to 30cm, preferring a moist but well-drained soil and full sun or semi shade. Tolerates heavy clay. Chives have hollow stems (or scapes) up to 50cm and tubular leaves that are just slightly shorter than the scapes. The flowers are pale purple, and produced in a dense inflorescence.
Leaves with their mild onion flavour is used in cooking, either fresh, or cooked, or dried. Long history of nutritive healing.