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Balm – Orange Balm


A flowering PERENNIAL growing to 70cm with tangerine scented leaves similar looking to mint and in summer small, nectar-rich flowers appear.

Prefers well-drained soil in a full sun or semi-shaded position.

Leaves are edible and medicinally it is commonly used household remedy as both a tonic herb and for its soothing, anti-anxiety actions.


The pleasantly aromatic tangerine-like leaves can be eaten raw or cooked. Makes a delicious tea.

It is often taken as a spirit lifting tonic. As with the species, Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm), this balm can significantly help reduce the instances, and speed the healing of cold sores. Antibacterial and antifungal, the leaves are also febrifuge, sedative, and tonic. Mild enough for children to use, it is good for stomach upsets, to calm, and for treating colds and flu. Externally applied to cold sores, gout, rheumatism etc.

It is a lovely herb to add to pot-pourri and is said to be repellent of flies and ants.

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Other Names

Latin Name

(Melissa officinalis 'Mandarina')