CategoriesCompanion Planting

Companion Planting Principles

When you picture a vegetable garden in your minds’ eye, I am sure that somewhere there’ll be a bright and…

CategoriesWeek in Retrospect

Week in Retrospect (18 Sept – 24 Sept)

I thought I’d mix it up a bit and simply do my week in retrospect in pictures – like a…

Sliced Tomato Selection CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #3 – To Be(efsteak) or not to Be(efsteak)

The story of the shapes and sizes of tomatoes There’s beefsteak tomatoes, and then there’s a tomato cultivar called Beefsteak,…

Blue borage with bee CategoriesWeek in Retrospect

Week in Retrospect (Monday, 4 Sept – Sunday, 17 Sept)

The spring weather the last two weeks have hindered gardening efforts (the word “appalling” comes to mind, but I know…

Tomatoes ripening CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #2 – Indeterminate vs. Determinate

Indeterminate vs Determinate Tomatoes come in two growth habit types – determinate, or bush varieties, and indeterminate or vining varieties.…

Heirloom Selection CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #1 – Heirlooms vs. Hybrids

Welcome to the first in a series of All Things Tomato Have you browsed your seed catalogs and seen little…

Rainbow dianthus CategoriesWeek in Retrospect

Week in Retrospect (Mon, 28 Aug – Sun, 3 Sept)

Spring has sprung! Woohoo and Happy Spring Day to you! This was quite a busy week, what with it being…

CategoriesWeek in Retrospect

Week in retrospect (Mon, 14 Aug – Sun, 27 Aug)

Welll, two weeks in retrospect actually – It is definitely gearing up to be spring, and I see my productivity…

Jasmine CategoriesWeek in Retrospect

Week in Retrospect (Monday, 7 Aug – Sunday, 13 Aug)

Mud. Mud. Mud. Everywhere! It is the bane of living in Auckland in winter when it rains and rains on…

CategoriesEdible Flowers

Edible Flowers #9: Citrus blossoms

Native to Southeast Asia, originating perhaps in Southern China or Northeastern India, and in cultivation for over 4000 years, the…