A PERENNIAL growing to 50cm with long, thin and downy grey-green leaves that are elliptical to lanceolate or broadly ovate in shape, and sharply toothed margins.
Grows in any moist soil in a full sun or partial shade position. Can tolerate heavy soil.
A hardy PERENNIAL growing to 30cm with bright green ovate leaves. Can grow in almost any soil, tolerates heavy clay soil. It preferes moist soil in a full sun or semi-shade position.
Sweet, flavourful mint leaves can be eaten raw or cooked; is lovely in drinks, and can be used, like other mints, for as a herbal remedy.
A hardy PERENNIAL growing to 50cm with red-purple stems and dark green leaves that have reddish veins coarsely toothed margins.
Prefers moist soil in a full sun or semi-shaded position, and can grow in very clay soils.
With a mild peppermint flavour, the leaves are eaten raw or cooked and it is the most commonly used medicinal mint.
A hardy PERENNIAL growing to 60cm with bright green ovate leaves. Can grow in almost any soil, tolerates heavy clay soil. It preferes moist soil in a full sun or semi-shade position.
Flavourful mint leaves can be eaten raw or cooked; and it is commonly used as a domestic herbal remedy.
An EVERGREEN PERENNIAL growing to 1m, with very decorative trifoliate leaves and tiny white flowers.
It prefers moist soil, and can grow in shade, semi-shade or full sun. Leaves, stems and roots are eaten.
The large succulent-like leaves are strongly oregano-mint flavoured making it wonderful herb to eat fresh or use as a food flavouring. The nutritional and medicinal phytochemicals in this herb make it a highly valued as a natural pharmaceutical.
Yomogi, also known as Japanese Mugwort, Korean Mugwort or or Korean Wormwood (Artemisia princeps), is a perennial herb in the Asteraceae family. This plant features silvery-green leaves valued for its culinary and medicinal properties, often used in Asian cuisines and traditional herbal remedies. Thriving in well-drained soil and partial shade, this herb is versatile and easy to grow.
An ANNUAL with very large red/purple toned leaves and a sharp mustardy taste. Prefers full sun or semi-shade in a moist but well-drained soil. It makes a delicious addition to salads and sandwhiches, or added to sauerkraut or pickled on its own. The leaves can be cooked as a pot vegetable.