Showing 37–48 of 210 results
$6.50Calendula is a popular flowering ANNUAL that grows to 60cm with oblong-lanceolate leaves and single flowerheads of bright orange or yellow. Flowers are pollinated by bees and it is a well-known companion plant. Calendula prefers any well drained soil but can grow in very poor soils and can tolerate very acidic or very alkaline soils. It can grow in semi shade but grows best in full sun. The plant can flower nearly year-round in favourable conditions, and the flower petals are edible and medicinal.
Cape Gooseberry
$9.50Cape gooseberry is a frost tender PERENNIAL growing to 1.2m that grows in semi shade or full sun in moist soil. Fruit are used raw, or cooked in jams, pies, compotes etc.
$8.50A large PERENNIAL growing to 2m with at least a 1m spread. Cardoon is a thistle-like plant in the sunflower family and grows to be a stout plant with large, deeply lobed and heavily spined green to grey-green leaves. Flowers are violet-purple, produced in a large, globose, massively spined flowerhead.
It can grow in heavy clay and nutritionally poor soil although it prefers well-drained soil in full sun. Somewhat drought tolerant it can grow in saline soil.
Flowers, leaves, roots and stems are eaten. Flower buds are eaten as a globe artichoke substitute. Some important medicinal use, and can be used as a dye plant. -
Catmint – Common
$6.50Easy to grow PERENNIAL with tall flowering spikes up to 1.2m tall. It has aromatic opposite heart-shaped, green to gray-green leaves and lavender-blue flowers. Related to catnip, but much showier, and very attractive to bees. Most catmints prefer full sun and well-drained, not overly fertile soil. While not as enticing to cats as true catnip, felines may still try to roll on catmints.
$8.50A PERENNIAL growing to 1m with heart-shaped grey-green leaves and pretty flowers in pink or white with lilac spots. Known to be attractive to bees, and cats. Prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position. Can grow in very alkaline soils. Leaves and flowers are edible and it has a long history of medicinal use.
Catnip – Lemon
$8.50A PERENNIAL growing to 1m with heart-shaped grey-green leaves and pretty flowers in pink or white with lilac spots. Known to be attractive to bees, and cats. Prefers well-drained soil in a full sun position. Can grow in very alkaline soils. Leaves and flowers are edible and it has a long history of medicinal use.
Chamomile – German
$7.50This chamomile is an ANNUAL that prefers a full sun position in well-drained soil. With long and narrow leaves that are finely bipinnate or tripinnate and smooth, erect stems growing to 60cm. The flowers are borne on capitulate flower heads and are composed of yellow disc florets and white ray florets with a strong aormatic smell.
Can grow in nutritionaly poor or saline soils.
The flowers are used as a condiment or tea and it is a well known herbal remedy. -
Chamomile – Roman
$7.50An EVERGREEN PERENNIAL growing to 20cm. Similar looking, but lower growing than German chamomile, Roman chamomile has bipinnate, finely dissected fragrant leaves and solitary terminal flowerheads. Prefers growing in well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. It can grow in either full sun or semi-shade and is somewhat drought tolerant when established.
Used similarly to German or annual chamomile, the young sprigs and flowers are edible -
Chamomile – True Lawn (Trenegue)
$7.50An EVERGREEN PERENNIAL that forms a delightful fragrant ornamental edging or groundcover. Prefers hot and dry sunny sites, but can grow in partial shade.
$6.50Chervil is a BIENNIAL plant growing to 50cm with finely divided tripinnate leaves that may be curly and small white flowers in small umbels. Prefers a moist but well drained soil and can grow in full shade, semi-shade of full sun.
The leaves and roots are edible and it has some medicinal use. -
Chilli – Basket of Fire
$6.50Capsicums are frost and cold tender EVERGREEN PERENNIAL that is often grown as an annual. Prefers growing in a moist well-drained soil in full sun. Basket of Fire has white flowers that are followed by upright growing fruits. Productive and decorative with a bushy growth habit and small, hot (80,000 SHU) chillies maturing from deep purple through yellow, orange and bright red.