CategoriesJanuary 2019 Week in Retrospect

January 2019 : Week 1

Your past does not equal your future A new year, and a new set of goals, or at least, let’s…

Sliced Tomato Selection CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #3 – To Be(efsteak) or not to Be(efsteak)

The story of the shapes and sizes of tomatoes There’s beefsteak tomatoes, and then there’s a tomato cultivar called Beefsteak,…

Tomatoes ripening CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #2 – Indeterminate vs. Determinate

Indeterminate vs Determinate Tomatoes come in two growth habit types – determinate, or bush varieties, and indeterminate or vining varieties.…

Heirloom Selection CategoriesTomatoes

Tomato Terminology #1 – Heirlooms vs. Hybrids

Welcome to the first in a series of All Things Tomato Have you browsed your seed catalogs and seen little…

Chilli seeds CategoriesChillies and Capsicum Monthly and Seasonal Growing

Starting chillies and peppers off early

I am feeling impatient, and as the winter runs past longest day, I look toward the new season, and titillate…


Terrific Tomatoes